The first day in Drawing Class, i just known that ID student need to combined the class with AT student.
The assignment we do is all the same, so Mr Terry, our Drawing lecturer want us have class together.
This is MR Terry, after giving out the assignment.....The first assignment from the lecturer is sketch our living room, and sketch the cafeteria or atrium.
My lecturer give us 2 weeks to sketch, the first week is sketch my living room. My living is hard to sketch. But i can finish my sketching on time.
The second week, the lecturer give us 2 places to sketch. 1 is cafeteria and 1 is atrium.
After the lecturer give the second assignment, i take photo of the place that need to sketch,
then i prefer to sketch the cafeteria. Cause cafeteria many thing to draw and more easy, the atrium there many chairs, so its hard to sketch.
The third week, the assignment is getting more and more.
Our lecturer wants us to write 'ABC'.......he show us the senior ABC, and there is the HEIGHT for the ABC......what, its hard to write and we need to write the full page.
The height is 5mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm.The lecturer say, write ABC is want to train us and let us write better.
The next assignment is draw lines......there are many types of lines that we need to draw, so many lines and is getting hard to draw.
~straight lines (5mm)~vertical line (5mm)~wavy lines~lines with points~3D lines and so on......All the line is hard to draw....i draw the straight and vertical less then 5mm......hard to draw the lines in 5mm.
Haha.......the wavy lines more hard to fren draw the wavy line become straight, how can it be.......and 1 of my fren say, draw wavy line become more sharp and not wavy again......this is the most hard part to draw.
This is wavy linesThis is Hui Min, she is almost done with her LinesWendy is drawing 3D lines The second last day to pass up the assignmentEveryone is rushing with their assignment.